Make me forget all that hurts me, let me understand your plan
Take me to another place, take me to another land
Make me forget all that hurts me, let me understand your plan"
I know its unhealthy but I'm tired
I'm tired thinking with no one throw my ideas at
I previously talked about freedom but i can't see a light at the end of the tunnel
*Finish blunt
I need to write. This is almost sickening. If I don't do this daily and i mean daily i do not function. I have truly given my time to the wrong thing. i could be focusing on something i need to do but i cant with back and forth emotion and conflicting ideas. So i must write even if i write and smoke or learn how to smoke then write. My thoughts always go back and forth with alot of thoughts and i feel the need to tell someone. I keep forgetting that humans are a social creature. Its almost annoying. I have the need to SELF EXPRESS
Another annoying ass concept that's like a fly in my mind. i have A FEAR to express myself so i will never be FREE. That feeling of not being understood is worst than rejection to me. Some one can disagree and it will be cool because its subjective, one is allowed that right. But to not understand is the equvenlant to verbal hopelessness. That feeling that no matter what it will never be understood. Obvrsly one would have to get more than one way to get their point across.
*10 mins later
Sometimes i wish i can type the speed i think so many things would be put down . Like currently im listening to the lyrics of this song
Its like a story with a point but the point wasnt made clear. and that maybe the biggest differeance between people and art. Now if art is understood or not it can give a view and with this technology, i can look up the lyrics meaning or just listen to the song over and over again until i get it. PEople are not like this. You cant look up why a person feeling like this or what is this person talking about. In order to do that you must know the person. One must Learn their history, behaviors, mannerisms, habits etc . I dont have to explain how hard that is if their is no communication. And once again communication must be clear and understood. See the problem with being misunderstood. Because like art someone can take minsinturpted something due to their preception.
The swatiza is now commonnly assoiated with the nazis but it have history in Indian relgion. IT means good luck . Now it a symbol for the aryans . Now a misinformed person would go to India see this
and be confused or even outraged. So lets imagine the Indian people telling the history of the symbol and people only understanding from their own pov. It seems like that has took over alot of people eyes.
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